I hereby grant permission to Truck Drivers USA and its subsidiaries, the rights of the video I have submitted in still images, video, and audio including the sound of my voice as it was recorded without payment or other consideration.
I acknowledge that the video submitted is owned by me giving me full authorization to grant these rights. I have gained permission to distribute from my employer as well as from any parties that appear in the video footage and have their full consent to grant usage rights to third parties.
I understand that this video may be edited, copied, exhibited, published, or distributed and I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of my image or recording.
I agree that images and video may be combined with other audio, video, images, text, graphics, and can be cropped, altered, or modified. I also understand this material may be used in diverse settings including, but not limited to, presentations, online purposes (websites, landing pages, and social media profiles), promotion, advertising, trade, and or any other lawful purposes of promoting the organization and the company’s solutions and services, within and unrestricted geographical area.
I represent that I am at least 18 years oof age and have the full legal capacity to execute this release.
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