Transervice Announces 2024 Scholarship Awardees

Girl facing away from camera in graduation cap and gown, transerivce 2024 scholarship awardees

Transervice Logistics Inc. is shining a light on the importance of education by awarding scholarships to the children of its dedicated employees. This year’s recipients of the 2024 Transervice Scholarship Awards have been announced for the upcoming Fall term.

Source: (The Trucker) From left, Carly Pherigo, Josephine Starin, Maya Markowski and Evelyn Klumker.

Transervice Logistics, headquartered in Lake Success, N.Y., is dedicated to nurturing talent and supporting the educational pursuits of its community. Each scholarship, worth $2,500, celebrates students who excel in academics, show commitment to their chosen fields, and engage meaningfully with their communities. Applicants also needed to present a persuasive essay detailing why they should be awarded the scholarship.

“At Transervice, we deeply value our culture, family, and giving back to our employees,” said Kari Beeson, vice president of Human Resources. “This commitment is what inspired us to develop the Transervice Scholarship Program, supporting the growth and future success of our team members and their families.”

The 2024 scholarship winners include:

  • Carly Pherigo, pursuing Marine Science at the University of South Florida. She is the daughter of Jerod Pherigo, a Mechanic at LG&E.
  • Josephine Starin, studying Elementary/Middle School Education at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Her father, Clint Starin, is an RDO at Berkeley.
  • Maya Markowski, majoring in Biochemistry at Binghamton University. She is the daughter of Marek Markowski, a Driver at Montgomery.
  • Evelyn Klumker, focusing on Biology at Lehigh University. Her father, Eric Klumker, is a Driver at Mountain.

For details about the Transervice Annual College Scholarship Program, reach out to Kari Beeson at [email protected].


Source: The Trucker