Beware of Fraudulent Emails Targeting Truckers

keyboard with a fraud alert key

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) is warning truck drivers about a new email scam that falsely claims to be from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

According to OOIDA, which advocates for small-business truckers, several members have reported receiving deceptive emails aimed at stealing a motor carrier’s authority.

These scam emails, posing as official communication from FMCSA, contain attachments labeled as MCSA-5889 or MCS-150 forms and request the recipient’s USDOT PIN.

“Although the emails come from a .gov domain, these emails are not from FMCSA,” says Crystal Minardi from OOIDA’s Business Services. “FMCSA will never ask you for your PIN on a manual form. We are advising our members not to reply.”

Instances of this scam have already been brought to FMCSA’s attention. If you receive such an email, do not fill out the attached form or respond.

If you believe your company has fallen victim to this fraud or identity theft, visit FMCSA’s website and click on the Fraud Advisory link to report the incident. Additionally, victims should contact the DOT Office of Inspector General by calling 800-424-9071 or emailing [email protected].


Source: Land Line