Blue Star ELD Back on Registered Devices List

Red approved stamp

The Blue Star ELD, a popular device used for electronic logging by truck drivers, was initially revoked from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) list of registered devices on May 21. However, the agency announced that it has reinstated the Blue Star ELD to its list.

Truck drivers and motor carriers who rely on the Blue Star ELD can now resume using the device if they had stopped its use following the initial revocation. The FMCSA has not disclosed the specific reasons behind the initial revocation of the Blue Star ELD. Nonetheless, the agency indicated that if an ELD provider addresses and corrects any identified deficiencies in their devices, the devices would be eligible for reinstatement on the registered list.

In contrast, the ELD Mandate Plus device, which was also revoked on May 21, continues to be excluded from the FMCSA’s list of approved electronic logging devices.

Ratan Baid, CEO of ELD Mandate expressed that the company is actively working to rectify any deficiencies and reinstate their software. Meanwhile, drivers who were using the ELD Mandate Plus device are required to discontinue its use immediately. These drivers must revert to using paper logs or alternative logging software to document their required hours of service data until further notice.

The reinstatement of the Blue Star ELD suggests that the provider was able to swiftly address whatever issues led to the device’s revocation.

The ongoing status of the ELD Mandate Plus device, however, highlights the FMCSA’s strict adherence to compliance standards for electronic logging devices, highlighting the importance of addressing any deficiencies promptly to ensure continuous use and compliance.



Source: Commercial Carrier Journal