Eerie Roadsides: Ghostly Encounters from U.S. Truckers – Part 1

white owl perched on a post with a snowy background,drivers share chilling tales of paranormal sightings from haunted Civil War soldiers in Virginia to unexplained events in Alabama and California

Traversing the vast and lonely highways of America often leads truck drivers into encounters with the unexplained. These long-haul journeys take them through desolate towns and remote stretches, where strange phenomena can make them question reality. In a recent collection of chilling stories from our Truck Drivers USA Facebook group, drivers have shared their spine-tingling encounters. This blog series, “Eerie Roadsides,” will take you on a journey through the mysterious and ghostly events experienced by truckers across the nation.

The Virginia Soldier Specter

John Greaves, an experienced truck driving instructor, recounts a peculiar event that took place years ago during a delivery in Virginia. He and his student had parked for the night in a large dirt lot, both weary from a long day on the road. As they settled in to rest, the truck began to shake slightly.

John noticed something unusual inside but chose to stay silent to avoid alarming his student. However, his student suddenly sat up, visibly shaken, and swore aloud.

“What’s going on?” John asked, maintaining his composure.

“A horseman just passed right through the truck!” his student exclaimed.

John had witnessed the same phenomenon but hadn’t mentioned it to prevent panic. He suggested moving the truck, though his student declined, and they managed to get some rest.

The following day, as they reached their destination, the staff casually inquired about their sleep and mentioned that the lot was said to be haunted by Civil War soldiers. John and his student shared a knowing glance but kept their haunting experience to themselves.

The Unseen Passenger in Alabama

Eric Hall, another truck driver, encountered a bone-chilling occurrence while delivering goods in a small town in Alabama. Scheduled for a 3 a.m. delivery, he had been driving along Route 84 for several hours. Approaching a stop sign in the quiet town, something startling happened.

Upon stopping, the passenger-side door swung open on its own, revealing nothing but the stillness of the night. Startled, Eric quickly closed the door, his heart pounding as he tried to comprehend the bizarre event.

After ensuring the door was securely latched, he continued his drive, but the memory of that inexplicable door opening lingered long after completing his delivery.

The Watching Owl in Temecula

Robert Gallegos shared an unnerving episode he encountered on the 15th South near Temecula, California. Around 2 a.m., as he neared an exit, something unusual caught his eye.

Perched by the side of the road was an enormous white owl, unlike any he had seen before. Standing nearly 3 feet tall, the owl’s head slowly turned as Robert drove by, locking eyes with him in an unbreaking gaze. Its watchful stare sent shivers down his spine, leaving Robert uneasy and certain that this was no ordinary wildlife sighting.

These accounts from truckers remind us that the open road harbors mysteries yet to be explained. Whether confronting a ghostly figure, experiencing a door swinging open without cause, or being observed by a giant owl, the highways can surprise travelers when they least expect it. Join us in the next edition of “Eerie Roadsides” as we uncover more paranormal experiences from America’s truckers. Stay tuned for what lies ahead.