Eerie Roadsides: Spine-Tingling Tales from U.S. Truckers – Part 2

black and white eerie, spooky haunted highway with apparition of woman in white dress, ," U.S. truckers share spine-tingling stories of ghostly encounters, eerie roadside mysteries, and unexplained phenomena that haunt America's highways

The road can be a mysterious place for truckers who traverse America’s highways. From ghostly apparitions to inexplicable nighttime events, these tales offer intriguing insights into the eerie phenomena that can occur unexpectedly. In Part 1 of “Eerie Roadsides,” we recounted some chilling encounters shared by truck drivers across America. Now, in Part 2, we present even stranger stories, each more perplexing than the last.

The Mysterious Woman in Texas

Marcus Florence shared a spine-chilling experience that left him baffled. Two years ago, he was driving through Texas at night, heading toward Louisiana, when something peculiar caught his eye. Sitting in the median of the highway was a woman. At first, nothing seemed too unusual—until he got closer.

There was something off about her appearance. The woman sat there emotionless, completely indifferent to the speeding traffic around her. Even stranger, she looked dim and fuzzy, almost as if she wasn’t fully solid. Marcus thought the scene was odd but didn’t immediately think much of it—until a moment later when he realized how truly bizarre it was.

He slowed down, looked back in his mirrors, and saw… nothing. The woman was gone. What he saw remains a mystery, but Marcus swears he wasn’t tired or imagining things. To this day, he has no explanation for the dim, ghostly figure he passed by on that Texas highway.


Cemetery Oddities on US 521

Mike Swanson had his own share of supernatural encounters while driving near a cemetery on US 521, a lonely stretch between Georgetown, SC, and I-95. He had driven this route many times without issue, but one night, something strange occurred.

As he passed the cemetery, he noticed blinking lights off in the distance, something he had never seen before. Moments later, the dome light inside his truck flicked on. This had never happened before in the six years he had driven that truck, and it never happened again.

The eerie timing, combined with the proximity to the cemetery, left Mike wondering if he had experienced something otherworldly that night. Was it just an electrical glitch, or was it something more?

The Unseen Gust in Azusa, California

Robert Barajas recounted a strange and terrifying experience while driving eastbound on the 215 near Azusa, California. It was a calm night, with no signs of bad weather. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a fierce wind gust, clocking at an estimated 90 mph, hit his truck, almost blowing over his trailer.

Robert’s quick reflexes kept his truck steady, but the force of the wind left him shaken. The strangest part? There were no signs of wind in the surrounding area. No trees or bushes were moving, and everything else was still. He couldn’t explain how a gust of such strength could appear out of thin air, leaving him with an unsettling feeling that perhaps it wasn’t just nature at play.

When Highways Turn Haunted

These stories highlight that even well-traveled roads can transform into eerie landscapes after dark. Whether it’s an unresponsive figure in the median, mysterious electrical malfunctions near a graveyard, or an inexplicable gust on a calm night, the road can surprise drivers in ways that resist simple explanations. In the upcoming installment of “Eerie Roadsides,” we’ll continue to explore more spine-chilling encounters from America’s truckers. Stay tuned for further unsettling journeys as we continue our trek down this haunted path.