Joe Mondor: North Dakota’s Trucker of the Year Finishes with 4.5 Million Accident Free Miles

Source: Truckers News- 2023 Driver of the Year Joe Mondor (left) and Melissa Dixon (right), of the North Dakota Motor Carrier Association Board of Directors, at the annual NDMCA convention in Grand Forks

North Dakota Veteran Trucker, Joe Mondor was recently named North Dakota’s 2023 Truck driver of the year. Mondor was presented with this award at the 79th annual North Dakota Motor Carrier Association convention.

The North Dakota Highway Patrol presents this honor annually in appreciation of a driver’s commitment to safety and their support of the highway patrol.

Mondor has been working in the trucking industry for 33 years and began his career working for Johnson Farms. He eventually joined Altendorf Express, where he has been working for the past 17 years. Mondor has logged more than 4.5 million accident-free miles throughout the entirety of his career.

The NDMCA’ also presented the Trooper of the Year award at the convention. This recognition is given to express the trucking industry’s appreciation for the highway patrol, whom they depend on for their safety and livelihood.

This year’s Trooper of the Year was awarded to Myles Sunby, a Grand Forks-based North Dakota Highway Patrol motor carrier operations trooper. He is also a dedicated participant in the Special Olympics- North Dakota Truck Convoy and is a member of the Central Valley School and Immanual Lutheran Church Cemetery Grounds Crew.


Source: Truckers News

Image: Truckers News