Meet Skylar Hill: A Life Rooted in the Trucking Industry

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Skylar Hill, a dedicated Account Coordinator from Maumelle, AR has trucking in her DNA.

With a family legacy spanning generations—her father, grandfathers, and even great-grandfather were all truck drivers—Skylar hasSkylar Hill been immersed in the trucking world from an early age. Today, with five years of professional experience under her belt, she brings not only a deep understanding of the industry but also a passion for the unique bonds formed within it.

For Skylar, the best part of working in trucking is the strong sense of camaraderie. She loves being part of a community where everyone looks out for each other, creating a supportive environment that feels like an extended family. This connection to the industry is not just a job for her; it’s a way of life.

Outside of work, Skylar enjoys quality time with her husband and sons, whether they’re boating at the lake or riding ATVs together. These moments are precious to her, providing a perfect balance to her professional life. She also has a favorite quote that guides her interactions: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,” by Maya Angelou—a reminder of the importance of empathy and kindness in all aspects of life.

A fun fact about Skylar? She’s got a secret adventurous side. Although she hasn’t taken the leap yet, she dreams of stepping out of her comfort zone to try skydiving one day.

Skylar’s journey in trucking is a testament to her deep-rooted connection to the industry and her commitment to fostering strong relationships within it. Her story is one of tradition, family, and a love for the open road.