Meet the lady truckers taking over TikTok

In a world where truck drivers are often underappreciated, or even forgotten, truckers have taken to TikTok to share relatable trucker moments, funny trucking antics, and even their view of life out on the road, bringing trucking just a little bit closer to the forefront of internet culture.

In case you haven’t heard, TikTok is a content creation app that lets users sing, dance, act, or meme and instantly share their videos. The easy editing features on the app make creating and posting content easy for anyone, especially for people like truck drivers who don’t have access to professional editing software while OTR. In a line of work that is often hard to relate to, TikTok has been used to visually connect drivers who share similar experiences.

The app is known for its viral success stories, where a user can post a 15-second video that launches them into influencer status overnight. This seamless video sharing, plus a community curious about trucking life, has made Tik Tok the perfect place for a few drivers to grab the attention of a large audience. Sprinkle in the unique aspect of being a female truck driver, and these Tik Tok using lady truckers have really started to make a name for themselves.

These female truck drivers in particular have been taking over the TikTok spotlight, each going viral for showcasing their trucking profession.

Combined, they have amassed over 1M followers.

Welcome to the trucking side of TikTok, here are their stories.

Harley Maxwell

Meet Harley Maxwell, a female truck driver with a passion for dancing. She has obvious talent, gaining over 208K followers watching her performances.

Maxwell’s TikTok’s features her quick routines, often filming in the back of her trailer or the lot whenever she gets a free minute.

Maxwell says she was dancing in her trailer even before TiKTok was created

While a majority of Maxwell’s TikToks revolve around her dancing, she also takes some time to poke fun at the trucking lifestyle.

Harley’s most watched TikTok, with 2M views, shows the “phases of a trucker”

Asmin De Loa

Asmin De Loa is a 26-year-old female truck driver from California using TikTok as a platform to share her travels.

She has 249K followers and 3.2M likes on her videos.
De Loa often makes videos about what it’s like to be a female in the trucking profession

In a Q&A TikTok, De Loa revealed that she drives an automatic truck and has been on the road for approximately six months.

Milena González aka “Trailera Tica”

Milena González has taken TikTok by storm. This 33-year-old Costa Rican truck driver started posting videos when the pandemic began and quickly grew over 523K followers.

Who says trucking can’t be glamorous? González is known for showing off her driving skills and style in her TikToks

In an interview with La Teja, González said: “My husband is a trucker and I started to accompany him on trips, I had already driven a bit before, but this year I hit the road (behind the wheel) and I loved it. At his work, they know that he is lending me the trailer to me and there is no problem.”

She has a background in the industry, her father had a transport company and a few years ago she and her husband worked as administrators in another transport company.

It wasn’t until this year that she really got into the driving. González is a mother of five children, who get to share in her truck driving experiences when they accompany her on trips. Whenever she’s in the rig, she takes the opportunity to film and post videos of her journey, growing her loyal audience.

With 12.3 million views this is González’s most viewed TikTok

González says that as her TikTok videos have gained momentum, she’s been recognized on the streets by fans.

“It’s funny because in many places they see me and say: ‘See, the trailerra that appears on TikTok,” said González.

Catie P

Known as @ripple_in_sound on TikTok, Catie is an OTR flatbed truck driver. Her content ranges from videos of loading up her rig to rants about driving awareness.

Catie has a growing audience, 39.6K follow her feed now.
Catie uses TikTok give some trucking lifestyle tips

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