New TCA Highway Angel Named After Truck Driver Renders Life-Saving Aid

vehicle in ditch

An Arizona trucker was recently recognized for his heroic actions at the scene of an accident. The Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) has named Andre Reynolds from Phoenix a TCA Highway Angel for stopping to help a man who crashed his car after experiencing a seizure and, as a result of the medical emergency, driving dangerously and erratically.

Reynolds, who has been a truck driver for three and a half years, works for Hogan Transports, Inc. based in Maryland Heights, Missouri.

According to the TCA, the incident occurred on April 15 at 1 p.m. in Utica, Mississippi. Reynolds was traveling on MS27 when he noticed a Ford Mustang slowly drifting into his lane on the two-lane highway. The vehicle nearly came to a stop, almost causing a collision, before suddenly veering off the road and crashing headfirst into a ditch.

Reynolds immediately pulled over to check on the driver and discovered that the man was having a seizure behind the wheel.

“He was pretty much incoherent,” Reynolds said.

Another driver stopped to assist, and Reynolds asked him to call 911. They waited with the driver until the seizure ended. Though disoriented, the man attempted to call his father. Reynolds took charge, explaining the situation to the man’s father.

Once the accident victim was alert and able to walk on his own, Reynolds continued on his route.

“I wouldn’t leave somebody in a bad spot,” he said. “It doesn’t hurt to help somebody.”

Since the TCA Highway Angel program’s inception in August 1997, nearly 1,400 professional truck drivers have been recognized as TCA Highway Angels for displaying exemplary kindness, courtesy, and courage while on the job. Thanks to the program’s presenting sponsor, EpicVue, and supporting sponsors, DriverFacts and Northland Insurance, the TCA is able to highlight and celebrate outstanding drivers like Reynolds. His quick thinking and compassionate response at the scene of the accident exemplify the best qualities of professional truck drivers.



Source: Truckers News