This Year’s Uncle Darrel Mentor Award Goes to J. David Walters


At the annual American Trucking Associations’ Technology & Maintenance Council Meeting, J. David Walters of Alcoa Wheel Products received a prestigious award in recognition for his exemplary mentoring efforts. The Uncle Darrell Mentor Award is bestowed upon individuals who go above and beyond serving as mentors to their peers. This year marks the third year honoring such achievement since TMC established the award in 2016 in memory of esteemed longtime TMC mentor Darrell Hicks.

“Darrell was affectionately known in the transportation industry and in his personal life as ‘Uncle Darrell,’” said outgoing TMC Chairman Randy Obermeyer during the ceremony. “The mentor program has grown to what it is today as a result of Uncle Darrell’s ideas, tireless dedication to building this program and careerlong efforts to ensure that everyone has a positive and rewarding personal and professional experience at TMC.”

To be considered, recipients must have at least five years of active service as a mentor and a commitment to serving their peers within the organization, and undeniable leadership within the industry. They must also show an immense dedication to ensuring new members receive the best possible introduction to the organization and are given the greatest opportunity for a rewarding start with the organization.

“Our third-ever recipient has demonstrated all of these qualities and more,” Obermeyer said. “He has served the TMC Mentor Program for many years and is a constant source of encouragement to all members through TMC.”


Source: ttnews