Truck Parking Apps Struggle to Gain Traction Among Drivers, Study Finds

A federal study by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute reveals a disconnect in the trucking industry regarding truck parking apps. Despite rising demand, truckers are hesitant to adopt digital parking solutions, creating challenges for effective parking management along key interstates.

A federal study, conducted by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute and commissioned by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, has revealed a perplexing disconnect in the trucking industry. While demand for truck parking facilities along key interstate routes such as I-80 and I-94 in Iowa and Wisconsin is on the rise, drivers are showing reluctance to adopt app-based parking management platforms aimed at easing these shortages.

The study highlighted that despite acute parking shortages, truckers are often parking in unauthorized areas like highway entrances, exits, and rest stop shoulders, leaving tech solutions underutilized. These behaviors underscore the untapped potential of digital parking solutions.

Study Objectives & Industry Challenges

The study’s primary goals included:

  • Analyzing parking utilization patterns along I-80 and I-94.
  • Identifying trends in unauthorized parking to guide safety improvements.
  • Assessing the potential of app-driven solutions to enable efficient parking management.

“Adequate, safe parking remains a top concern for the trucking industry and for truck drivers, but providing sufficient and free parking in a timely manner is becoming increasingly challenging for both the public and private sectors,” according to the study.

Challenges like limited funding for parking expansion were emphasized by transportation officials in both Iowa and Wisconsin. Consequently, scalable and affordable technologies like Parkunload represent potential alternatives by offering real-time data on parking space availability and location.

Mixed Reactions from Drivers

During the pilot implementation of Parkunload technology, in-person feedback from drivers was largely positive. However, social media outreach designed to solicit broader driver opinions revealed significant resistance to the app.

“The input received from truck drivers at the Pilot rest areas during the implementation of the Parkunload platform was overwhelmingly positive,” the study said. “On the other hand, the input received in response to the social media outreach was overwhelmingly negative.”

Unmet Demand for Overnight Parking

One significant finding was a stark gap in overnight parking availability, which has driven truckers to park in hazardous or unauthorized areas along highways like I-39, I-90, I-94, and beyond. Beyond highlighting this unmet demand, the study demonstrated the technical feasibility of parking apps, which could reduce unsafe parking practices by providing precise, “granular” digital parking information.

The identified technological capabilities include managing available spaces, setting parking time limits, and offering a cost-effective infrastructure compared to large-scale parking expansions.

Barriers to Adoption of Parking Technology

However, industry uptake faces steep hurdles. The study identified two critical barriers:

  1. Driver Participation – Encouraging drivers to download parking apps has proven to be a significant challenge.
  1. Compliance – Even among users, convincing them to regularly engage with the app remains difficult.

These challenges make gauging the broader acceptance of parking platforms challenging, particularly since sampling a representative portion of the driver community is inherently complex.

Future Applications of Parking Tech

Despite challenges, the study pointed to promising applications for platforms like Parkunload in areas such as rest stops, safety checkpoints, and weight enforcement stations. These locations often lack sophisticated availability systems, making them ideal testing grounds for emerging parking technologies.


Source: Transport Topics