19 Random Tips Truck Drivers Swear By

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Truck drivers, the unsung heroes of the highways, have a wealth of knowledge from countless miles traveled and experiences that can only be encountered on the open road. From practical safety advice to life lessons learned through the school of hard knocks, here are 19 random tips that truck drivers swear by, submitted by you:

  1. “Always be nice to people.” Kristin Wells reminds us of the importance of kindness, both on and off the road.
  2. “Live in your mirrors.” Susan Vaughan’s tip highlights the critical role mirrors play in a trucker’s safety toolkit, emphasizing the importance of staying vigilant and aware of your surroundings.
  3. “Always be early so as to never be late.” Robert Nabors’ advice emphasizes the importance of punctuality and reliability in professional conduct, ensuring that truckers uphold a positive reputation for timeliness.
  4. “Leave it better than you found it! You can always do better. Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.” Andi Nito’s words remind us to strive for excellence in all aspects of life, from maintaining equipment to fostering positive relationships.
  1. “Don’t rush perfection.” Michael Crowder’s reminder emphasizes the value of patience and thoroughness in all endeavors, advocating for a deliberate approach to tasks rather than hastily seeking flawless outcomes.
  2. “Don’t change lanes until you can see BOTH headlights clearly!” Fred Robbins’ advice promotes safe lane changes and emphasizes the importance of maintaining clear visibility to avoid accidents on the road.
  3. “Be prepared for anything at any time.” Dan Angelico’s advice underscores the importance of readiness and adaptability in the unpredictable world of trucking, urging drivers to anticipate and handle challenges effectively as they arise.
  4. “Trust your gut.” Rieky Jans’ advice reminds truckers to rely on their intuition, which often serves as a valuable guide in navigating uncertain or challenging situations on the road.
  5. “Always have a Rand McNally road atlas close by.” Linda Green Kennedy’s practical advice harks back to the importance of traditional navigation tools, especially in areas with spotty GPS signal.
  6. “Carry your own toilet paper.” Shirley Paffel’s practical suggestion highlights the importance of being prepared for restroom stops, ensuring comfort and hygiene while on the road.
  7. “Never take wooden nickels.” Brian Miller’s cautionary advice warns against falling for scams or deceitful offers, urging truckers to exercise discernment and protect themselves from fraudulent schemes.
  8. “You can run the hills a million times too slow but you can only do it once too fast.” Corey Webb’s cautionary tip promotes safe driving practices, emphasizing the importance of maintaining control and adhering to speed limits, especially on challenging terrain.
  9. “No load is worth your life.” Michael Dickerson’s cautionary tip underscores the importance of prioritizing safety above all else, reminding truckers to exercise caution and discretion in hazardous situations.
  10. “Know your route before leaving. Check for truck routes that GPS missed.” Pruno Sliker’s advice highlights the importance of thorough route planning and awareness, ensuring smooth navigation and avoiding potential pitfalls along the journey.
  11. “Take nothing for granted.” Sharon Ward Petroski’s reminder encourages truckers to approach their work with mindfulness and appreciation, recognizing the value of each opportunity and interaction.
  12. “Don’t sweat the petty things.” Lara Boggs’ reminder encourages truckers to maintain perspective and focus on what truly matters, minimizing stress and distractions while on the job.
  13. “Expect the unexpected because it will always happen.” Bill Van Volkenburg’s advice encourages preparedness and flexibility, reminding truckers to anticipate and adapt to unforeseen circumstances while on the job.
  14. “Take your time, never let yourself get rushed, especially when backing.” Scott Edwards’ reminder advocates for patience and composure in challenging situations, emphasizing the importance of maintaining control and avoiding hurried decisions that could lead to accidents.
  15. “You are never too old to learn something new. Ask questions if you are unsure or don’t know!” Darcy Whitsett’s encouragement promotes a growth mindset and continuous learning, fostering professional development and adaptability in the ever-evolving trucking industry.

These diverse nuggets of wisdom, collected from the voices of truckers across the country, offer insights into the unique challenges and experiences of life on the road, as well as the resilience and resourcefulness needed to get through them successfully. What’s a random tip you swear by out on the road?