6 Essential Lifestyle Hacks for Long Haul Truckers

red semi truck on road

Life on the road can be tough, especially when you’re far away from loved ones. For long-haul truckers, their trucks become their homes for extended periods. After spending long hours driving, it’s crucial to discover ways to make the journey more enjoyable.

Being unhappy or uncomfortable can lead to mental health issues, but luckily, truck drivers have found some ingenious lifestyle hacks to make life on the road a little smoother.

Here are six hacks that every long-haul trucker should know about.

  1. Enhance Your Sleep with Reduced Light

Getting a good night’s sleep can be a challenge for some truckers. Uncomfortable nights inside the cab, extreme weather conditions, and constant location changes can make it difficult. To improve the quality of your sleep, reduce light in your truck. Invest in blackout curtains to cover the windows and windshields. Turn off all artificial lights, such as televisions and electronic gadgets. By maintaining a healthy sleep/wake cycle, you’ll avoid medical issues like depression, obesity, and even certain cancers.

  1. Stay Prepared with Emergency Snacks

You never know when you might face unexpected delays or breakdowns. That’s why having an emergency stash of your favorite snacks is a lifesaver. Always keep them on hand and easy to reach!

  1. Plan Your Trip Effectively

Experienced truck drivers understand the value of planning their trips ahead of time. Consider purchasing a specialized GPS made for the needs of truck drivers. These devices provide the best routes for trucks, real-time traffic updates, and toll cost estimates. To account for unforeseen circumstances, estimate your speed at 60 mph when planning your journey.

  1. Don’t Forget Emergency Toilet Paper

When nature calls, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Always keep extra toilet paper in your truck and take it with you when visiting truck stops.

  1. Be Mindful of Your Liquid Intake

Staying hydrated is important, but excessive drinking can lead to unnecessary bathroom breaks and delays in reaching your destination. Find a balance and be mindful of your liquid intake while on the road. And make sure you’re balancing your caffeine intake with water and other forms of hydration!

  1. Secure Your Cargo by Locking Your Trailer

Cargo theft is a significant concern, especially in hotspots like Dallas, Houston, and Chicago. Never leave your trailer unlocked, even if it’s empty. Additionally, hitchhikers may be tempted to hop on board without your knowledge.

By implementing these lifestyle hacks, long-haul truckers can make their time on the road more comfortable and enjoyable. So, why not give them a try and experience the difference for yourself?