Truck Drivers: Help ATRI Tackle Cargo Theft by Taking the Survey

green semi truck with white trailer, atri survey on cargo theft

The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) is extending an invitation to carriers to participate in an important survey about cargo theft. Launched in August, this initiative aims to shed light on the prevalence and characteristics of cargo theft in America. The survey’s findings will help “better quantify cargo theft types, frequency, geography, and commodities targeted,” according to ATRI.

ATRI’s Vice President, Jeffrey Short, recently discussed the survey’s significance, highlighting the urgency of this research, Short pointed to alarming FBI estimates indicating that cargo thieves cost the industry $15 billion to $30 billion each year.

The survey seeks detailed insights, such as hotspots for theft and effective prevention strategies. A key focus is identifying which items are most frequently stolen. “We definitely want to figure out what the most targeted products are out there, so that we can inform them, ‘This is the kind of thing you want to keep an eye out for,'” Short explained.

Regardless of the size of the carrier, thieves tend to focus more on the cargo itself rather than the company transporting it. “I don’t think larger carriers or smaller carriers are being targeted more often. I think it more has to do with what it is they’re hauling,” Short stated. He noted that easy-to-sell items are prime targets for thieves.

ATRI has already received around 100 responses from motor carriers and brokers. The deadline to submit your input is September 30. Participants can fill out the survey online here or download a PDF version to return by mail. Rest assured, all information provided will remain confidential, and participants will be given an early copy of the comprehensive report.


Source: Land Line