ATA Introduces ‘Nothing Without Trucking’ Image Campaign Tailored for Policymakers

red semi truck with white trailer parked on side of road with trees in background

The American Trucking Associations (ATA) has unveiled a new image campaign with the slogan: “Nothing Without Trucking,” replacing the decade-old “Trucking Moves America Forward.” The campaign aims to deliver a clear message to Congress and the administration about trucking’s vital role.

This ongoing effort seeks to educate policymakers and the public on trucking’s indispensable role. It was launched at ATA’s Mid-Year Management Session with an introductory video, a new website, and a call to action for industry supporters to share their experiences.

ATA President Chris Spear stressed the campaign’s relevance, stating, “This time of year, as schools wind down and summer vacations dot the horizon, we’re here to remind America that in every season and at every moment of daily life, there’s nothing without trucking.”

The new slogan will be promoted through various channels, aiming to connect trucking professionals with elected officials, political candidates, and the public. Chief Operating Officer Sarah Rajtik stated, “This campaign will tell our American story in new and innovative ways. We will spotlight the millions of individuals who make trucking safer, innovative, efficient, and more environmentally responsible — from the drivers behind the wheel to the techs on the shop floor to the dispatchers, safety directors and fleet managers who all play an indispensable role in keeping our economy moving.”

The campaign’s website,, encourages stakeholders to share their stories. The previous slogan was retired at the midyear meeting, where four key contributors were honored with ATA’s highest honor, the S. Earl Dove Highway Award. Recipients included Elisabeth Barna, Kevin Burch, Wendy Hamilton, and Steve Ponder.



Source: ATA