From Crisis to Control: Garrett Steenblik’s Health Transformation on the Open Road

Garrett Steenblik's story is a remarkable tale of resilience and transformation. His path from a health crisis to wellness, while working as an over-the-road trucker, is both inspiring and instructive.

Garrett Steenblik’s story is a remarkable tale of resilience and transformation. His path from a health crisis to wellness, while working as an over-the-road trucker, is both inspiring and instructive.

A Wake-up Call on Wheels

Like many truckers, Garrett’s lifestyle led to serious health problems. His job’s sedentary nature, combined with unhealthy eating habits, pushed him into a severe health crisis. “I was trapped in a cycle of daily nausea, excruciating pain and sleepless nights, burdened with diagnoses of fatty liver disease and ulcers,” he shared with The Trucker. Additionally, mental health struggles from past traumas weighed heavily on him.

Seeking solace in unhealthy habits, Garrett’s initial response was to consume multiple Mountain Dews daily and indulge in binge eating. This approach only worsened his health.

Facing the Challenges of the Road

The difficulties Garrett encountered are not unique to him. Many truck drivers face similar health challenges due to the nature of their work, which offers limited support for maintaining good health. “While our society depends on the vital work of the trucking industry, truck drivers have scant support in maintaining their well-being,” Garrett notes. He highlights the grueling work schedules that leave little room for proper meals or exercise.

Reaching a breaking point, Garrett realized he had to make a change. “I decided to change while I was hunched over a toilet bowl, feeling defeated. I realized I was a victim of my own choices, and I refused to remain a hostage to my past.”

A Determined Path to Wellness

Armed with determination, Garrett began an arduous wellness journey. Initially, he focused on dietary changes and exercise, losing significant weight through consistent effort. “I lost my first 100 pounds simply by running in place for 45 minutes a day over 11 months,” he said. However, he soon realized the importance of understanding his body’s nutritional needs, learning to balance caloric intake with energy expenditure.

Switching to a low-carb, whole-food diet, Garrett embraced intermittent fasting and chose healthier foods. This lifestyle shift not only improved his physical health but also alleviated his mental health struggles. “As I improved my diet and exercise, my depression, anxiety and trauma began to lose their grip on my life,” he shares.

A Shared Journey and Support System

Garrett’s wife, Yvonne, played a crucial role in his transformation. As his team driving partner, she provided unwavering support and accountability. “My wife, Yvonne, is a powerful source of accountability and support. She’s played an essential role in my health journey through her love and encouragement.”

Together, they navigated the challenges of maintaining their health on the road, finding creative ways to incorporate exercise into their demanding schedules.

Achieving Milestones and Continuing the Mission

Garrett’s perseverance paid off as he achieved his health goals, eventually reaching a weight of 155 pounds. This remarkable transformation required years of dedication and some medical intervention to address excess skin.

Despite reaching his personal milestone, Garrett continues to face daily challenges in maintaining his health. He is now committed to helping others in the trucking community overcome their health obstacles. “I offer myself as a resource for fellow truckers looking to improve their overall well-being,” he says. Through online forums and support groups, Garrett shares his experiences and encourages others to prioritize their health.

Inspiring a Movement Towards Health

Garrett’s story serves as a powerful call to action for both truckers and the wider community. He hopes to raise awareness about the unique health challenges faced by drivers and inspire positive changes within the industry. “My story of returning to wellbeing while driving is exceptional, but it shouldn’t be,” he asserts. “Draw inspiration from one another and join the movement toward better health in trucking.”

By sharing his personal journey, Garrett Steenblik aims to inspire others to take charge of their health and support wellness initiatives in the trucking industry.


Source: The Trucker

Image: The Trucker