New Facilities Opened for Truck Drivers Along I-80

man sitting at picnic table at rest stop

Truck drivers navigating the stretches of Interstate 80 in Iowa’s Jasper and Dallas counties are now greeted with an enhanced array of options for essential, safe, and clean restroom breaks. The Iowa State Patrol Commercial Motor Vehicle Unit (ISPCMVU) has taken a proactive step by unveiling 24/7 public restrooms at two strategically located scale locations, offering convenience and accessibility for truckers traveling across this significant transportation corridor.

The initiative comes at a time when the accessibility of restroom facilities for truck drivers has been a persistent and widely discussed issue within the industry. Recognizing the significance of this matter, Representatives Brian Babin, R-Texas, and Jefferson Van Drew, R-N.J., have thrown their support behind the Trucker Bathroom Access Act, denoted as HR3869.

“It may seem like a small issue to some, but truck drivers know how difficult it can be to find parking and restrooms,” ISPCMVU said. “Our Jasper and Dallas County scale locations along I-80 continue to be a safe place for trucks to park. There is always space available. Now, these locations also have 24/7 public restrooms for drivers to use. We hope this makes the truck driver’s life a little easier and more convenient!”

The Trucker Bathroom Access Act is designed to guarantee that truckers have unfettered access to restroom facilities during the crucial moments of picking up or delivering cargo. This legislative effort addresses a genuine concern that has resonated with trucking professionals for several years, striving to bring about a positive change in the working conditions and well-being of those who spend extended hours on the road.

One notable proponent of this legislative proposal is the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), a prominent voice within the trucking community. OOIDA has unequivocally expressed its strong support for the Trucker Bathroom Access Act, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that truck drivers have the necessary amenities to attend to their basic needs while engaged in their demanding and vital roles.

“Over 70% of America’s freight is exclusively carried by trucks, yet every single day men and women truck drivers are forced to ‘hold it’ because they aren’t allowed access to the restroom when picking up or delivering freight,” said Todd Spencer, president and CEO of OOIDA. “OOIDA and our 150,000 members thank Representatives Nehls and Houlahan for showing tremendous leadership on this issue and we look forward to working with them and our coalition partners to get this commonsense, bipartisan legislation signed into law.”



Source: The Trucker