New Services for Brokerages Unlocked with Trucker Path

truck driver using tablet

Trucker Path has unveiled a new tool tailored for freight brokerages, providing enhanced capabilities to dispatch, track, and manage loads. Designed to empower small-to-mid-size brokers, this service equips them to compete more effectively against larger brokers.

“Built for small-to-mid-size brokers, Trucker Path for Brokerages greatly simplifies the process of dispatching, tracking and managing loads awarded to carriers by freight brokers,” said Chris Oliver, Trucker Path’s CMO. “By enabling significantly enhanced visibility into load location and status, it improves productivity and shipper satisfaction and streamlines processes to simplify operations. Trucker Path for Brokerages will help smaller brokers differentiate themselves and compete for carriers and customers like their larger competitors.”

Through the Trucker Path app, brokers gain access to a personalized network of carriers, enabling seamless dispatch of load details directly to drivers and real-time tracking via a user-friendly dashboard. Upon completion of deliveries, drivers can conveniently upload paperwork using the app’s document scanner for immediate processing.

“The value of Trucker Path for Brokerages extends beyond replacing cumbersome, manual, time-consuming and error-prone freight management and paperwork processes for freight brokers and their customers,” Oliver said. “For small to mid-size brokers, it also increases efficiencies and carrier satisfaction.”

In addition to streamlining load management, brokers can leverage the productivity tools already utilized by nearly one million North American truckers. These features include truck-safe navigation, destination guidance, real-time parking availability, and fuel discounts.

“It helps make life on the road safer, easier and more productive for drivers while also helping improve recruiting and retention for brokers,” he said.



Source: The Trucker