Online classes help women and adult learners land trucking jobs in Alabama

Alabama has been making efforts to ensure that more than just the typical demographics are finding careers in trucking. Wallace State Community College’s Diesel by Distance online project, which was started last summer to train diesel technicians, has just finished its first full year of operation.

Students have the option of enrolling in an online theory course or an on-campus course (plus virtual reality headsets for practicing different tasks in preparation for coming to the lab). The Center for Career & Workforce Development at Wallace State’s Anna Beard noted, “We actually have more adult learners and women in this program than ever before. We were able to connect with an older audience seeking a career move, a new market for us. They come to us because it does allow for that flexibility and allows them to follow their interests while maintaining a full-time job.”

Their Spring 2022 semester had a total of 57 students and six of those were women with 2 adult learners. In 2021, there were no women in the course. Trucking companies are being encouraged to hire students from a program like this to ensure success! Click here to learn more about the course!