Survey Reveals the Daily Struggles of Truck Drivers on the Road

black truck driver in cab talking on cb

When it comes to understanding the hurdles faced by truck drivers, who better to ask than the drivers themselves? To shed light on the untold struggles of these hardworking individuals, Truckstop conducted a survey with over 500 long-haul truck drivers. With National Truck Driver Appreciation Week (Sept. 10-16) in full swing, the survey aimed to dig deeper into the challenges of maintaining an active lifestyle and eating healthily while on the road.

“As we mark National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, it’s imperative we shed light on the real challenges drivers face every day,” said Kendra Tucker, CEO of Truckstop. “This research underscores our commitment to understanding their unique struggles and advocating for truck drivers’ overall well-being. A big thank you for all that you do — and know that your efforts are truly appreciated.”

Here are the survey results:

Nutrition on the Road

  • Truck drivers face challenges in finding healthy eating options while on the road primarily due to limited parking, lack of access to nutritious food, lack of time, inability to cook in their trucks, and the high cost of healthier food options.
  • More than a third (36%) of respondents rely on ordering fast food as their main method of eating on the road, while eating at non-traditional places like gas stations and truck stops is also common (30%).
  • Despite 59% of truck drivers surveyed believing they eat healthily on the road, a significant number (37%) admit to cooking their own meals regularly.

Physical Health on the Road

  • Over half of drivers (52%) find it challenging to exercise while on the road due to fatigue from driving all day.
  • Lack of time is another factor that makes it difficult for drivers to exercise while on the road, with 48% mentioning it as a constraint.
  • 48% of drivers struggle with a lack of access to exercise options.
  • Finding a place to park their truck that provides exercise options is a challenge for 42% of drivers.
  • The majority of long-haul drivers (60%) only stop once or twice a day to exercise or stretch, leaving them inactive for most of the day.
  • Only 36% of drivers stop three or more times a day to exercise.
  • While 90% of drivers report getting at least one exercise session per week, the majority (69%) are only able to exercise one to two times per week.
  • Outdoor spaces are the most common places for drivers to exercise, with 44% choosing any outdoor location and 40% preferring parks or hiking trails.
  • If they have no other option, 40% of drivers are willing to exercise in their truck.

Mental Health on the Road

  • The majority of truck drivers (84%) report being satisfied with their current job.
  • Job satisfaction increases to 93% for truck drivers who experience low levels of stress in their job.
  • Eighty-eight percent of respondents indicate that they have a high (26%) or moderate (62%) overall stress level in their job, with only 12% rating their stress level as low.


Source: The Trucker