Trip Planning Tips from a Fellow Truck driving Pro

Who better to give road trip advice than a pro!

After driving a truck for almost 40 years, Ina Daly is a truck driving pro. This mother and grandmother is not only a driver but also earned the title of grand champion at the Arizona Truck Driving Championship.

Daly stated, “I’ve had a lot of accomplishments in my career and going to the National Truck Driving Championships is a reward, but the bigger reward is being able to share some things … that have the potential to save lives.”

She recommends making sure that your vehicle is ready before your trip. Daly said to “Really pay close attention to your tires, your coolant, your fan belt.” Oil changes and a full tank of gas are also important.

Daly also stresses the importance of emergency kids including first aid kits, flashlights, reflective triangles and basic tools. Extra bottles of water and snacks that won’t melt can also be a life saver in case your stranded. Be sure any medications you might need are packed.

What if your phone or GPS stopped working?

Be sure to bring a printed map or directions just in case.  Always plan for your trip to take at least an hour longer than the expected. If you plan for two extra hours, you won’t feel as stressed or rushed which will help keep you and your passengers safe.

Many people don’t realize the dangers of passing semi trucks.

Daly advises against passing on the right side. She also said, “If you have to pass quickly, don’t linger over there. We see people driving over there for the shade (and it) puts us in a very dangerous situation and don’t cut in front of us and then hit your breaks. People don’t like to follow a truck because they can’t see around us, so they pass us and then cut in front of us. It takes away that safety cushion we leave in front of us..”

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