Trucking Associations Urge Congress to Act on Rail Contract Talks

Over 400 business associations, including numerous trucking organizations, have stepped up to urge Congress to step in and take action in the ongoing negotiations between the nations freight railroads and their unions. A letter sent by these groups in hopes of achieving congressional intervention warned of the dire economic impact if a settlement is not reached by December 9.

The trucking associations say that a work stoppage would have far-reaching effects on the economy, as freight rail is a crucial part of the supply chain for many industries. According to the American Trucking Associations, 70 percent of all freight rail traffic is intermodal, meaning it moves between modes of transportation, such as trucks and trains. A disruption in service could lead to delays in shipments and higher prices for goods.

The letter closes with this appeal:

“While a voluntary agreement with the four holdout unions is the best outcome, the risks to America’s economy and communities simply make a national rail strike unacceptable. Therefore, absent a voluntary agreement, we call on you to take immediate steps to prevent a national rail strike and the certain economic destruction that would follow.”

Signing the letter were many organizations across a diverse range of industries. Trucking organizations signing the letter included:

  • American Trucking Associations
  • Arizona Trucking Association
  • California Trucking Association
  • Colorado Motor Carriers Association
  • Florida Trucking Association
  • Georgia Motor Trucking Association
  • Harbor Trucking Association
  • Idaho Trucking Association
  • Indiana Motor Truck Association
  • Iowa Motor Truck Association
  • Kansas Motor Carriers Association
  • Kentucky Trucking Association
  • Maryland Motor Truck Association
  • Michigan Trucking Association
  • Montana Trucking Association
  • Nebraska Trucking Association
  • Nevada Trucking Association
  • New Jersey Motor Truck Association
  • North Dakota Motor Carriers Association
  • Ohio Trucking Association
  • Oregon Trucking Association
  • Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association
  • Rhode Island Trucking Association, Inc.
  • SC Trucking Association
  • South Carolina Trucking Association
  • Tennessee Trucking Association
  • Texas Trucking Association
  • Trucking Association of Massachusetts
  • Trucking Association of New York
  • Washington Trucking Associations