Colorado Revs up Zero-Emission Trucking

highway in colorado with blue sky and fluffy clouds and mountains

Colorado is taking action toward environmental sustainability by mandating that the state’s trucking industry switch to zero-emission semitrailers, buses and delivery trucks as soon as 2027. The move, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, could have sweeping ramifications throughout many industries as they seek out new methods of delivering goods and services while simultaneously doing their part for our planet’s future.

On April 21, the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission approved a plan to convert most medium- and heavy-duty trucks sold in the state to clean energy sources such as electric or hydrogen fuel cells. This ambitious undertaking aims for 40% of semitrailers to be emissions free by 2035.

Modeled after the rule created in 2020 in California, it would not require companies to buy these trucks, but rather orders truck manufacturers to sell the vehicles.

“The manufacturers are required to make sure they meet a certain percentage of sales targets so it will encourage them to bring their vehicles to Colorado and provide attractive pricing for those vehicles,” said Will Toor, executive director of the Colorado Energy Office.

Companies that operate diesel or natural gas-powered trucks will have to take steps towards reducing ozone pollution levels, which requires the lowering of nitrogen oxide emissions. This new regulation is part of an effort backed by local authorities across the state.

After nearly three days of hearings, the plan was unanimously approved with support from elected officials as well environmental organizations and community groups that want improved air quality.

Despite widespread support for the new electric semitrailer mandate, some have voiced concern over its implementation. Worries include whether the utility grid can handle thousands of daily charges and if technology will develop quickly enough. Independent drivers’ ability to purchase electric vehicles has also been called into question.

Weld County officials have expressed discontent over the omission of natural gas as part of the plan.

Colorado officials are rushing to reduce air pollution after the Environmental Protection Agency reclassified the state’s air quality as being in “severe non-attainment” of federal ozone standards. This designation carries hefty financial consequences for industries and citizens, including costly permits and inflated gas prices during summer months.

Garry Kaufman, director of the state’s Department of Public Health and Environment’s regulatory affairs program shared that cars are only second behind medium- and heavy-duty trucks as the largest source polluting the air in Colorado – stating that this stringent regulation is necessary for protecting public health.

Colorado residents have been dealing with smog from high ozone days, leading to respiratory issues for those outdoors and obscuring the stunning mountain views. These conditions are a stark reminder of how essential it is that we protect our environment.

Residents living in both the Front Range and mountain communities of Colorado have come together to reduce ozone pollution, citing a noticeable haze that has been lingering for years. With EPA mandates now in place, people are hopeful this collaboration will lead to cleaner air altogether.

“It’s not just about heavy powder days or big raft days,” Glenwood Springs Mayor Jonathan Godes testified during a public hearing. “It’s about the health of our entire city.”

The new plan would require auto manufacturers to produce an increasing number of zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks each year. Electric batteries, fuel cells and hybrids will all count as part of these strategies with federal and state tax credits helping companies offset any additional costs associated. There’s still some uncertainty about whether or not there’ll be enough inventory for dealerships across the state but when asked about this, Kaufman told the Air Quality Control Commission – it looks like car makers are headed in that direction.

“It’s not science fiction technology,” Kaufman said. “It’s happening now.”

Amidst Colorado’s ambitions to transition towards zero-emission vehicles, the Colorado Motor Carriers Association has voiced opposition and presented a rebuttal. According to the organization’s statement last week during an official hearing, they argue that there have not been enough resources invested into making this change happen nor is their current infrastructure ready for electric semitrailers – it could take up to 1 megawatt of power (equivalent of 350 homes) and eight hours of charging time just for one truck travelling 350 miles. It remains yet unknown how Denver will tackle these challenges in light of increasing sustainability goals throughout the state.

“As more electric trucks hit the road, the projected power needs for a big truck stop by 2035 will equal that of a small town,” the group said in its document, which cited a study by the utility company National Grid Plc. “In that study, they further identified that a connection to the grid that can handle more than 5 megawatts may take up to eight years to build, at a cost of tens of millions of dollars. Without some tremendous power upgrades to the grid, the transition to electric trucks will be constrained by a grid unprepared for the demand.”

According to Toor the threat of power grid failure due to increased use of EVs has been exaggerated – there’s enough capacity in place already as state utility companies have anticipated this shift for some time.

Jacob Smith, executive director at Colorado Communities for Climate Action (CCCA), presented data showing that reducing emissions from trucking and van transportation would yield positive health benefits.

“It’s a big deal from an equity perspective,” Smith said. “A lot of vulnerable communities also happen to be in close proximity to highways, manufacturing and distribution centers.”


Source: Transport Topics