Government groups seek assistance in fulfilling infrastructure

Fulfilling transportation jobs has been a taunting task in America for a while now. Local and state government groups are calling on Congress to address the situation by creating a workforce strategy for transportation jobs. On May 20, The National League of Cities, United States Conference of Mayors, National Conference of State Legislators, International City/County Management Association and National Association of Counties released a statement asking to help make it easier on public and private employers to find workers for federally funded infrastructure projects.

Infrastructure jobs take 20% more time to fill, compared to non-infrastructure jobs so it is imperative that bills like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act be passed in order to maintain the nation’s roads, bridges, water system and broadband networks. This bill introduces methods of improvement starting at training. Proposing national skills training systems and different programs to meet the demands of the employer. With this bill and with the help of Congress, our roads will be better than ever to help ensure truck drivers have the most efficient routes.