Supreme Court fails to address trucking under AB5

Have you heard of Assembly Bill 5 (AB5)? It is a California law that restricts businesses from classifying workers as independent contractors rather than employees. It was assured as reported by Freight Waves, on Monday morning that the “U.S. Supreme Court went silent on the issue when it released its ‘orders’, the long list of cases that it mostly denies certiorari of lower court appeals but accepts a small fraction”. The issue wasn’t on either of the accepted or denied lists of issues. “Blubaugh filed an amicus brief on behalf of the Intermodal Association of North America and the Transportation Intermediaries Association. The AB5 is the California law that defines independent contractor status in the state, using the ABC test. That test is viewed as more likely to define a worker as an employee rather than an independent contractor”.

It is unclear when a decision or an opinion can be reached on the matter. It could be the end of this week but there is no telling for sure. Click here to learn more about the story.